Community Home and Engagement

Home Timeline

To get a comprehensive overview of what is happening inside your group, navigate to the home timeline. It is the designated space where you can view posts from all members across all channels in one convenient location. Regularly checking the home timeline lets you stay informed and engaged with the ongoing conversations and updates within your group.

The home timeline serves as a centralized hub that displays posts from all members across all channels within the group. Accessing the home timeline lets you conveniently stay updated on your group's latest activities and discussions.

Comments and Likes

Posts within the group provide the functionality for comments and likes, which are crucial in driving engagement. Comments can include various types of content such as images, videos, and links. 

Comments and likes serve as important drivers for engagement within the group. To comment on a post, follow these steps:
  • Open the post you wish to comment on within the group.
  • Within the post, you will find a comment section where you can start writing your comment.
  • Feel free to express your thoughts, provide additional information, or engage in a discussion related to the post.
  • Furthermore, comments can include attachments such as images, videos, and links, allowing for a more dynamic conversation.
  • Additionally, you can reply to a specific comment within the thread, further fostering discussions and interactions.
  • You can like a Post or Comment by hitting the thumbs-up icon.
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