Step 6: Manage Affiliate Commision Payouts

Payouts are the applicable amount that the affiliate owner needs to distribute to their affiliates for every sale made.

Go to Marketing >> Affiliate Manager and select Payouts. When you move to the 'Payouts' screen:

You'll see the 4 sub-tabs that indicate the payout status

Pending- All the payouts across all campaigns get populated in this status month-wise. The affiliate owner is expected to come here and approve the affiliates that are eligible for a payout. The affiliate owner can see the break-up of every affiliate's payout at a campaign and month level by clicking on the three dots.

If a commission is not applicable for an affiliate, the affiliate owner can 'Deny Payout' and that card gets moved to the 'Denied Payout' tab

Approved for Payout- Once a payout has been approved from the Pending tab, it comes to the 'Approved for payout' tab where the affiliate owner is expected to fetch an export of the affiliate names and the amount they are owed and upload it on their payment gateway. Once payment to the affiliate is made, the affiliate owner is expected to mark the affiliate payouts as 'Paid'.

The affiliate owner can move a payout back to pending from this tab.

Paid- This tab shows a list of all the affiliates that have received a payout along with the date of the transaction. Payouts can not be moved from this status. This is the final status for a payout journey.

Denied Payouts - If a payout for an affiliate has been denied, they come to this tab. A payout can be denied through any of the following tabs

  1. Pending 
  2. Approved for payout

How are payouts generated?

Payouts get generated in the 'Payouts' screen under the 'Pending' tab on the 1st of every month and the column 'Due' reflects the date on which the payout should be done to the affiliate based on the configurations done for the campaign they were enrolled into.

Payouts are generated for a specific interval and the ability to make actual payments at a later date. This is mostly used to cover refunds and other issues that might occur.

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