Step 2: Create your Affiliate Email

After an Affiliate is added to a campaign, they will receive an email with their affiliate link and information about the affiliate campaign.

There is a system default email that is sent out once a campaign is live to all the campaign affiliates. However, you may create a customized email that is sent instead. You may create a unique email for each affiliate campaign.

Create Email Template

To create your affiliate notification email, Go to Marketing >> Emails >> Templates. You are following the same steps you would use to create an email template in the CRM.

For the affiliate email, you will want to also include information about the campaign, content swipe file, and links to social images.

To ensure they have their affiliate link, commission value, and campaign name include the following in the body of the text.


Campaign Name: {{affiliate.campaign_name}}

Commission Value: {{affiliate.commission}}

Affiliate Link: {{}}

Replace System Email with Custom Email Template

Within the affiliate campaign, go to the bottom of the page. Click on the Email Template drop down and select your custom campaign email template.

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