Step 1: Create Affiliate Product and Funnel

Creating an Affiliate Product and Funnel isn't any different than creating a product and funnel for your own business.

You may use an existing funnel with products or setup a new funnel and products.

To track leads vs customers generated from an affiliate, it is recommended to use the 2-Step Order Form.

If you typically use the 1-Step Order Form, this would be a good reason to create a separate affiliate funnel.

Create your Product

  • Go to Payments >> Products and create the product.
  • Add at least one price.
  • You may add multiple prices, which would all be covered in the affiliate campaign.

    • Your affiliate campaign is associated with all the prices within a product.

Create your Funnel

  • Go to Sites >> Funnels and create your affiliate funnel.
  • Create a sales page
  • Create a payment page
  • Use the 2-Step Order Form to enable affiliate lead and customer tracking
  • Add the products your want to include
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