Stripe Credit Card and ACH Payments

When you integrate Stripe, you have the ability to offer Credit Card payments and ACH Payments.

To customize your payment methods go here.

Stripe Fees & Refund Policies Apply to All Transactions

Stripe Fees

Handling Refunds

Handling Payouts

Payment flow for Credit Card method

Available on all payment options including order form, invoices, appointments, and text to pay.

Supports one time payments, recurring payments, and payment plans.

AUTOMATIC payment enabled.

Payment flow for ACH Direct Debit method

ACH Payment is automatically available on Invoices and Text to Pay when using Stripe as your Payment Processor.

Supports one time payments, recurring payments, and payment plans.

AUTOMATIC payments works when the payee allows it.

Accepting bank accounts is slightly different from accepting cards:

  1. Your customer must authorize the payment terms.
  2. Bank accounts must be verified.

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