Instagram Reels Publishing Guide for the Social Planner

Want to enhance your social media marketing and expand your reach on Instagram? Look no further than The Social Planner! We're here to guide you through the latest trend on the platform: Instagram reels. 

With reels, you can easily create brief yet captivating videos to connect with your audience and boost your brand's visibility. Showcase your products or services in a fun and creative way, drawing in potential customers and driving traffic to your website.

Don't let this opportunity slip away - start utilizing the power of Instagram Reels with The Social Planner today!


  • Ensure you have already added an Instagram Professional account
  • Publishing Reels to a personal or creator account is NOT available
  • Uploading Images and videos in Media Library prior to creating the reel

How to make an Instagram Reel using the Social Planner

Step 1: Go to the "Marketing" tab > "Social Planner" > "New Post."

Step 2: Under Publish, select your Instagram account.

Step 3: Select Reels as your Instagram content type (See image below)

Step 4: Create your reel by uploading up to 10 images or videos 

Step 5: Select "Post Now" or "Schedule for Later" - You can also save your story as a draft.

If you select another social account, Reels will not be visible. For publishing to Instagram, you must select one or multiple Instagram Professional accounts.

Supported Content for Instagram Reels

  • You can select up to 10 images or videos to add to your reel
  • The maximum image file size is 8 MB, and the maximum video length is 60 seconds.


Can I use Instagram Reels with any Instagram account?

No, Reels can only be used with Instagram Professional accounts. If you select another type of account, Reels will not be visible for publishing.

What types of content can I include in an Instagram Reel?

You can include up to 10 images or videos in your Instagram Reel. The maximum image file size is 8 MB, and the maximum video length is 60 seconds.

Is there a time limit for Instagram Reels?

Yes, the maximum duration for an Instagram Reel is 60 seconds. Make sure your video content fits within this time constraint.

Can I schedule my Instagram Reel for later publication?

Yes, you can either post your Instagram Reel immediately or schedule it for later publication using The Social Planner.

Can I use Instagram Reels for personal or creator accounts?

No, Instagram Reels can only be published from Instagram Professional accounts. Personal or creator accounts do not have access to this feature.

How can Instagram Reels help me connect with my audience?

Instagram Reels provide a fun and creative way to showcase your products or services, making engaging and connecting with your audience through visual storytelling easier.

Is there a limit to how many Instagram Reels I can create using The Social Planner?

There is no specific limit to the number of Instagram Reels you can create using The Social Planner. You can use the feature as often as you like to engage your audience and promote your brand.

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