Create Blog Post

These are the steps to create a blog post. To ensure you have everything you need to publish your blog, complete the Blog Settings including:

Step 1: Create a Blog Post

  • From Sites >> Blogs and click New Post
  • Fill out the Blog Title, Post Description, and Cover Image

See the Blog Post SEO

Cover Image size is 600 x 400 px and no larger than 10MB

Step 2: Add the Content to the Blog

  • Start by deleting the existing content
  • Type your new content
    • Text styles options: bold, italics, underline, strikethrough text, fonts, styles, size
    • Add an indent, number list, bulleted list, or to-do list
    • Add color and highlight
  • Incorporate images, videos and quotes

You may Save your Blog post as draft until you are ready to publish it

Step 3: Prepare Blog to be Published

  • From the Blog Editor, click on the Continue
  • Add a URL Slug that becomes the path for your blog post
  • Select the Category
  • Add Keywords
  • Select the Author

Step 4: Publish the Blog

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