Blog Settings - Add Category to a Blog

The category is an important component for Blog and Blog post content. It helps readers in finding things when they are categorized. Users will be required to create and add categories when the blog post is created. 

Uses for Categories

  • Blog - Educational articles
  • Podcast - Show notes for your podcast episodes
  • Events - Event description, date, and registrations

Use the category to differentiate how you will use the post. You will be able to specify which category you want on the webpage.

Create A Category

  • Go to Sites >> Blogs
  • Click on the Gear for Blog Settings

  • Click the Categories option and Add New Category button
  • Complete the Category form
    • Category Label - Is the name of the category
    • ATL Text - use the same name as category label
    • Category URL Slug - This allows readers to view all blogs associated with the category.

You do not need to add an image or description.

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