Purchase a Phone Number for Your Business

The VOIP phone available within the CRM is a game changer. It not only provides you a business phone number without the expense of purchasing a separate smartphone, but it also enables you to have conversations via text message. All conversations are recorded in the CRM.

There are additional costs associated with the phone and registration requirements to be compliant. Please review information about Phone & Text here.

1. Click on Settings

2. Click on Phone Numbers

3. Click Add Number

  • Click on +Add Number
  • Select Add Phone Number

  1. Enter Your Phone Number Criteria

  • Select County

  • Click on Filter

  • Most people search by Area Code and Match to First Part
    • You can not specify an entire number
    • Available numbers are ever changing
  • Capabilities
    • Leave defaults of SMS, MMS, and Voice all checked
  • Number Type
    • Most businesses prefer Local
    • Toll Free is absolutely an option
  • Once you have entered your criteria, click APPLY
Example Filter
  1. Select and Purchase Your Phone Number

  • Scroll through the options
    • High value area codes will not have many options and may not show options, so check back.
    • Options will change hourly
  • Select your phone number
  • Click Proceed to Buy

  1. Phone Charges

  • Once you purchase your phone number, you will likely be charged credits.
  • Your phone line $5.75 will be billed monthly. Your usage will be billed as you use it.
  • Go to Settings >> Company Billing to adjust your Credit Settings
  • All Phone Charges are charged against credits. Once the credits reach the "when balance lower than" value, it will "Auto recharge with" based on the value you set.
  • PHONE FAQs and FEEs

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