Phone Registration (A2P 10DLC Registration)

Phone registration is required to use the phone within the CRM. Our phone system is an Application-to-Person 10-digit long code (A2P 10DLC) system that allows you to send and receive voice and text messages. A2P 10DLC is regulated by the phone carriers and requires registration to be compliant. Below is an explanation and steps to register your phone.

What is this?

Application-to-Person (A2P) 10-digit long code (10DLC) refers to a system in the United States that allows businesses to send Application-to-Person (A2P) type messaging via standard 10-digit long code (10DLC) phone numbers. This system is specific to long code messaging toward the United States, and does not affect short codes or Toll-Free numbers sending to the US.

For an overview of A2P 10DLC and answers to many common questions, see

What is A2P 10DLC?

Who is our provider?

The CRM uses Lead Connector Twilio provider. Twilio is the largest A2P provide globally.

Are there changes to the cost of the phone line?

Yes. You will be charged a one-time registration fees and your monthly cost will increase. The registration fee will be a minimum of $15, if your usage matches most of our clients. Your monthly phone cost will go from $2 per line to $3.5 per line plus a very small increase to usage charges.

How long will the registration process take?

The process takes 10-15 minutes to complete and 24-48 hours to be verified. If you haven't completed registration after February 1st, your charges will be higher and their may be deliverability issues.

What if I don't want a phone line?

This is absolutely your choice. To remove your phone line, go to Settings >> Phone Numbers and delete your phone #. You will need to go through your automations and switch Text Message communications and Internal Notifications to emails.


1 - Registration

For existing accounts, you must register your business and messaging campaign use caseby February 1, 2023 or within 15 days of setting up your phone line. If you do not complete the registration there will be additional charges and impacts to service.

Registration takes 15 minutes to complete your submission. The verification process may take a few days. My personal experience is that it took less than 24 hours.

What happens if you fail to complete registration?

The usage cost to send messages is higher and the speed of delivery will be slower. Depending on your usage patterns, Twilio may stop delivery of messages completely.

2 - Registration Process in the CRM

What You Need:

  • Business Registration Number (Your social security # does not count. EIN example below)
  • Official Business Name
  • Business Address

Complete Prior to Starting Registration:

  • Go to the CRM
  • Go to Settings
  • Click of Business Profile
  • Fully complete the General Information, Business Information, Business Physical Address and Authorized Representative (Make sure to click Update for EACH section.)
  • Check the boxes titled "Make SMS compliant by adding an opt out message" and "Make SMS compliant by adding an sender information"

Complete A2P 10DL Registration

  • Go to the CRM
  • Go to Settings
  • Select Phone Numbers and click on Trust Center
  • Complete the Business Profile and submit
  • Complete the A2P Brand and Campaign Registration (SMS) and submit
  • Both sections will have "IN REVIEW" next to them if the data is complete and being process.

Explanation of A2P Brand and Campaign Registration (SMS)

Step 1 - Brand Registration

Our recommended campaign type is the Low Volume Standard Registration. This is based on the current usage patterns we've seen from our clients. Please base your decision on your expected usage.

Step 2 - Campaign Use Case

You are indicating the type of messages that you will be sending. Based on our review of our clients usage, the Low Volume Mixed will work. This is a campaign that covers multiple use cases such as Customer Care and Delivery Notifications.

Low Volume Mixed use cases support up to 2,000 SMS segments and MMS per day and are given a lower message throughput (MPS) than other use cases, regardless of Trust Score.

You will need to describe your campaign use case.


All users opt in to receive messages from our business. We send appointment reminders and notifications. Clients receive notifications, reminders for upcoming installs, and other customer service requests.

Step 3 - Provide Production Sample Messages

I used samples for my most common automations, which are my meeting confirmation and reminders. Copy messages from your existing automations.

  • Sample Message #1
  • Sample message #2
  • Check that an embed link will be added

Step 4 - Consents and Opt-ins

We have always recommended opt-in contacts with forms. If you've been following that best practice, just explain it here.

  • How to end users consent to receive messages?
  • Opt-in Keywords - The most common are SUBSCRIBE, START, GO.
  • Opt-in Message (Optional) Fill these in. I don't think they are optional.


How do end-users consent to receive messages? - All users opt-in via a form asking for consent to send email and text messages.

Opt-in Keywords (Optional) - START or SUBSCRIBE

Opt-in Message (Optional) - You are now opted in. To unsubscribe from text messages, please reply STOP.

3 - Costs

Costs are broken down into two categories. The one-time Registration Fee and usage based Carrier Fees. These costs are assuming you have registered your account.

**Note: Costs will be higher if you have not completed registration.

You may find more details about these fees here.

Registration Fees:

Registration Fees are applied when registering your US A2P Brand and your A2P Use Case, the moment they are approved.

Based on what I've seen for my clients, you will be registering for the US A2P Low Volume Standard Brand registration. This supports up to 2,000 SMS segments and MMS per day than other use cases, regardless of Trust Score.

  • One-time Campaign Registration Fee of $15.

**Note: This is subject to change and is based on the type of message campaign you select.

Carrier Fees:

Carrier fees are also charged by carriers for A2P 10DLC messages sent to users on their networks. These fees are applied in addition to Twilio’s standard US Messaging pricing. In general, the fees are applied for each outbound SMS segment or MMS message. T-Mobile (including Sprint) also applies fees to inbound SMS and MMS.

The fees are different by carrier.

  • Range from $0.002 to $0.013.

**Note: This is subject to change and is based on the type of messages (SMS vs MMS) and the carrier of the person receiving the message.

Monthly Campaign Fee:

If you choose the US A2P Low Volume Standard Brand or Low Volume Brand registration, the current monthly fee for Low-volume* mixed use case is $1.5 - 11.50/month.

This supports up to 2,000 SMS segments and MMS per day than other use cases, regardless of Trust Score.

**Note: This is subject to change and is based on the campaign selection you made.

Monthly Phone Fee:

The cost for the phone line itself remains the same at $2 per month.

Total Monthly Phone Fee:

The total cost increases slightly from what it was.

  • Monthly Campaign Fee - $1.50 (**If you signed up for the Low Volume Brand Campaign)
  • Monthly Phone Line Fee - $2.00
  • Total Amount - $3.50 + usage ($0.017 - $0.042 for SMS/MMS and $0.026 for voice)

Where can I review charges I’ve incurred?

Your usage and charges are all laid out on the Usage Summary page. The credit card used is listed on the Company Billing page.

  • You may view your usage charges within the CRM
  • Go to Settings >> Phone Numbers >> Usage Summary

How am I charged?

When you first select a phone #, you are charged $10 to add CREDITS to your account. Your usage, monthly fees, and registration are charged against your CREDITS. When your credits hit the minimum amount, your CREDITS are topped off based on the settings on the Company Billing Page.

  • You may view your usage charges within the CRM
  • Go to Settings >> Company Billing
  • Under the Credits area, you may adjust the "Auto Recharge Amount" and "When balance lower than" amount.
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