
Coupons are great for enticing sales! In this article, we’ll break down the basics of coupons so that you know how to get the most out of them.

To test, you must set the Start Date of a Coupon to the date you are testing.

Coupon Codes must be ENABLED on the order form

Applied coupon codes are not applicable on one-click upsells

How to create and add coupons to products

Coupons apply to all types of products including subscription, payment plans, and one time payments.

Go to Payments >> Coupons

  • Spaces and special characters are not supported formats when creating Coupon codes
  • 100% off on coupons still require to enter their card details to save credit card info
  • Only Stripe can be used to give 100% off on order amounts, this will not work with Paypal. In case both Stripe and Paypal exist, the Paypal option will be hidden.

What is a Coupon?

A coupon is an offer made by a business or organization (usually in exchange for your payment) where you receive a discount on something you purchase. 

What type of Coupons are supported?

Use the drop down COUPON TYPE. There are two ways to use a coupon:

  1. Percentage Coupon: Offer a percentage-based discount on an order value
  2. Fixed Coupon: Offer fixed discount irrespective of order value

  1. 100% Off Coupons

End customers can redeem a coupon code to get a 100% off on the cart value. They would still require to enter their card details to save credit card info in case it is required for upsells in the next steps.

Only Stripe can be used to give 100% off on order amounts, this will not work with Paypal. In case both Stripe and Paypal exist, the Paypal option will be hidden.

Small text "Card details will be used for verification purposes" will appear beside the card element during a $0 checkout

To test, you must set the Start Date of a Coupon to the date you are testing.

Limiting Coupon Use

You may want to limit to coupon to a specific product, number of uses, or frequency of use.

At the bottom of the coupon creation page, select the option you prefer.

  • Most common limiter is "Limit this coupon to selected products/offers"
  • You may COMBINED limiters.

Limit to a set number of uses.

  • You may set this from 1 to 100. The same customer may use many times.
  • Using this, you can limit the total number of successful redemptions you want to offer for the coupon code. This only includes successful redemption and is not dependent on the number of users redeeming the coupon code

Limit the coupon to specific products

  • Using this, you can restrict the coupon usage to selected products only. This means that if you restrict coupon usage to product A, then the coupon can only be applied to product A
  • You will see a selection of products in the drop down.
  • You may select more than one product.
  • If you do not select a product, the coupon will work on all of your products.

This is the most common limiter.

Limit to one use per customer

Coupons on Subscription or Recurring Payment Products

If you want to apply a coupon to subscription or recurring payment products, there are two ways to handle the coupon.

To ONLY apply the discount to the FIRST payment - DO NOT select this option. Leave it unchecked.

Apply the discount to ALL payments, check the "Also apply to recurring/future payments" option.

Capturing coupon transactions

Please Note:

  • Coupon application details will be visible in the order details as a line item alongside individual products
  • The coupon discount mentioned alongside each product will be the discount value per product
  • The discount applied would be distributed according to the weights of values of products on which the discount was applied. 
  • For cart level discounts, it will be distributed across all products(only one-time)     according to the weights of product values
  • For discounts tied to specific products, the discount will be applicable according to the     sum of the values of those items only and would be distributed according to the weights of     the product values (only one-time products)

Enable Coupons on Order Forms

  • Go to Sites >> Funnels
  • Select your Funnel
  • Edit the Step with the Order Form
  • Edit the Order Form element and click on the Advanced Settings
  • Enable Coupon Codes


Are coupon codes unique?

Yes, coupon codes are unique and no two coupons can be created with the same coupon code

What are the rules for creating a coupon code?

Coupon codes can only contain alphanumeric values and are not case-sensitive. Using the Generate ability, the user can generate a 7-character alphanumeric coupon code

What is the coupon name? Is it unique?

Coupon names can be used to refer to and relate to coupons for internal purposes. They must not be unique for every coupon, but we highly recommend using unique coupon names for proper identification

What is the redemption count shown in the list view?

This displays the total number of successful redemptions of the coupon code done to date

Will the coupons text box start appearing automatically in order forms?

If you have created a valid coupon code that can be applied to an order form, then the coupon text box will start appearing on the order form. In case of an order form where no applicable active coupon exists, the order form will not show the coupon application text box

I don't want to show the Apply coupon text box on my order form. How do I do that?

You can disable the "Enable coupon codes" toggle inside the builder for the specific order form.

How to see the orders in which the coupon code has been applied?

Click on Actions ➝ View History and this will redirect to the orders page where only specific orders in which the coupon code was successfully applied

Where are the coupon application details available?

Order details would contain the coupon code and the discount offered per item against every product line item, in case a coupon code was successfully applied to the order.
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