📵 Blacklist Numbers: Set Inbound DND for Calls and SMS

Users will now be able to enable Inbound DND on specific contacts to avoid call and message✋ from these specific phone numbers...blacklisting that number in your account.

Note: Inbound Phone Calls will be stopped prior and no charges incurred. However, Inbound SMS text messages will incur a cost because they are stopped at the system level. No outbound text messages will be trigger because they are set to DND.

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 2

  • No new calls or messages from DND contacts will be forwarded or displayed in conversations.🚫
  • Audit Logs will keep track of user actions related to Inbound DND for transparency and accountability. 📝
  • The conversations section clearly indicates DND contacts for easy identification and unblocking.🗣️

Screenshot 2023-05-18 at 2

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