Bulk Edit/Update Opportunities

  • We are excited to introduce the new Bulk Edit Opportunities feature, designed to streamline your workflow by allowing you to update multiple opportunities simultaneously.
  • Bulk Selection: Users can now select multiple opportunities at once, either individually or by selecting all.
  • Multi-Field Updates: Update and clear various fields, including standard fields like Pipeline Name, Stage, or Owner, as well as custom fields, across multiple opportunities in just a few steps.
  • Pipeline Management: Seamlessly move opportunities between pipelines without worrying about copying or losing information.
  • Bulk Action Monitoring: Track the progress of your bulk edits on the Bulk Actions page, where you can view success rates and any errors that may occur.

  • Go to Opportunities
  • Select a Pipeline
  • Use the List View
  • Click the top box to select all opportunities
  • Click Edit

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