Create A WhatsApp Template
- Go to Settings -> WhatsApp -> Template tab -> Click on Create Template
Learn how to Add a Media to your templates!WhatsApp's latest update introduces support for Media Templates, enabling users to send various types of media content, including Images, Videos Documents, and Location.
- A new section will open where you will need to fill in the Template Name, Category, Language and Header the information
Details around the fields available
- Template Name - The name of the template should be set using lowercase characters.
- Category - Select between the Marketing and Utility Category. Read about Template Categorisation Guidelines.
- Language - Select from the list of all the languages available.
- Header (Optional) - You can add a static or a variable header. Only 1 custom variable is allowed in the header.
- Fill in additional details Body and Footer
Details around the fields available
- Body - The message that would be sent to the customer. You can add multiple custom variables while creating the template by clicking on Add Variable.
- Footer (Optional) - You can add a static footer.
NOTE: Please fill sample value for all the custom variables added as Meta need examples to be sent while submitting the Template.
- Verify the template message and hit on Create
- Now we will send this template to Meta for approval and you can track the status in the Template Tab.
Statuses for Templates
- Pending - Template successfully submitted and sent to Meta for approval.
- Approved - Template is successfully verified and can be used for seeing messages to the customers.
- Rejected - The template was rejected by Meta and needs to be resubmitted. Read FAQ for re submission.
What's next?
- Once you have a registered template they can start using the below and product areas to send/receive WhatsApp messages.
- If you still have not added a number that can be used inside WhatsApp, refer below:
Frequently Asked Questions
How do we add custom variables in Header and Body of a Template?
Step 1 - Click on add variable available under Header or Body.
Step 2 - Click on tag icon and select the custom variable(as in this case it is contact name) and a sample text(Shubham Gupta in this case).
How do you submit a rejected template or edit a previously approved template?
Step 1 - Click on the accordion icon and hit Edit template
Step 2 - Fill in all the information again and hit Create.