Trigger Workflow When Contract Signed

You may utilize Documents & Contracts trigger to trigger a workflow for use cases based upon the change in the state of a document. This will allow you to do things like update opportunities, tags, send an invoice, and many more actions.

Workflow Trigger Options

  • Recipient Type: This is the contract or the account user (you or your team)
  • Status: This refers to the status of the contract including Sent, Viewed, Signed, Completed
    • Signed is when there are more than one recipients. This status indicates one, but not all recipients have signed the contract.
    • Completed is the status when all recipients have signed the contract.
  • Template: This refers to the specific template being sent in the event their are multiple templates.
  • Value: This refers to the dollar value of the contract when the product list is used.

Contract Signature Reminder Workflow

To set up a reminder workflow for contracts that have not been signed in a timely fashion, you may follow this recipe.

  • Trigger: Documents & Contracts
    • Filter to a specific Template and Status Sent
  • Add Action Wait for 3 days
  • Add If/Else Condition if Contract Is Not Complete
  • Send a follow Up Email otherwise stop

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does the trigger function for business users as well as contacts who sign the document?

Yes, the trigger will fire for all events when the document is sent or signed by the contact or the business user.

Is it possible to use the contact and user custom values inside the workflows with this trigger?

Yes, businesses will be able to make use of custom values inside workflows

Is it possible to send internal notifications or external emails using the trigger?

Yes, business users will be able to make use of the email templates configured to send notifications upon a trigger event

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