Failed Payment Recipe

To receive notification when a payment fails for an invoice or subscription, create and publish the following workflow.

Applies to Recurring Invoices and Subscriptions.

Step 1: Create Trigger for Payment Receives

Make sure to include the Filter of Payment Status and select FAILED.

Step 2: Add Internal Notification Action

Send an internal email notification to you and your team of a failed payment. Below is an example of the information to include in your notification.


Please contact to update credit card information.

Name: {{}}

Email: {{}}

Phone: {{}}

Payment Status: {{payment.payment_status}}

Payment Amount: {{payment.total_amount}}


Step 3: Allow Re-Entry into the Workflow

Turn on the Workflow Setting to Allow Re-entry for any future payment failures from contacts.

Your completed workflow will look like this.

Other Additions

You may customize this workflow as much as you want. Some common additions include:

  • Email Action notifying the contact that their payment has failed
  • Reminder to your team to take action with an Internal Notification Text or another email
  • Tagging the contact
  • Task Action and assign to self or team member to resolve
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