Export contacts into a CSV

Exporting contacts made easy: select desired contacts, customize columns, and download a .csv file for seamless transfers or other uses. No hassle, just quick and efficient contact management.

Note: Only the Admin Use may Import or Export contacts

How to export contacts? 

Step 1: Access Contacts

Log in to the account (as an Account Admin)

Navigate to the Contacts tab.

Step 2: Select Contacts

Browse through your contacts list.

Check the box next to each contact you want to export

You may also use filters to specify which contacts you want to mark for export

To select all contacts on a page or the entire list, use the corresponding checkboxes

When exporting contacts, only the most recent note (up to 255 characters) is included for each contact. This keeps the exported .csv file size manageable and focuses on the latest information. In the .csv file, the newest note appears as a separate column, but older or longer notes are not included in the export.

Step 3: Customize Columns (Optional)

Click on the Columns button

Check or uncheck boxes to include or exclude specific columns in the export.

In the Contact Export section, if users have selected the email option in the smartlist column, a new column named “Additional Email” will automatically appear in the exported CSV file. This column will contain all the additional emails arranged in one column and separated by commas(,).

Step 4: Export Contacts

Click the "Export Contacts" icon or button

Confirm your export action if prompted

Step 5: Download the .csv File

Wait for the export process to complete

Download the generated .csv file containing your selected contacts and their information.

Now you can use this .csv file for various purposes, such as transferring contacts to another account, importing them into a different system, or analyzing data.


Q1: Can I export only specific data fields for each contact in the exported .csv file?

You can customize the columns in the exported .csv file by selecting or deselecting specific data fields before initiating the export. This way, you can focus on the most relevant information.

Q2: What happens if a contact's latest note exceeds 255 characters?

Only the latest note of up to 255 characters is included when exporting contacts. If a contact's latest note is longer than this limit, it will be truncated to fit within the 255-character constraint.

Q3: How do I import the exported .csv file into another contact management platform?

Most contact management platforms provide an import feature that supports .csv files. You will need to follow the specific import instructions for the target platform, which typically involves mapping the columns in the .csv file to the appropriate fields in the new system.

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