Trigger Links Overview

Trigger links are a great way to pivot off a "click" within an SMS or Email. When a trigger link is clicked, the system will attribute the click to the contacts' activity timeline and trigger a predetermined action within a workflow. 

Only available in SMS and Emails.

Use Cases for Trigger Links

Creating a follow up list of interested contacts

Make your Call to Action a trigger link and you will know who exactly clicked the CTA. You may email yourself every time someone clicks the link or create a task list of follow up activities.

One-click registration for an event

When the contact is already in your email, you may use a trigger link to register them for an event when they clink it instead of having them fill out a form.

  • Go to Marketing >> Trigger Links

  • Click the Add Link Button
  • Enter the name for reference when selecting the trigger link.
  • Enter a valid URL to a funnel, website page, or landing page.

Using a Trigger Link

In the SMS or Email editor, click the Link Option that looks like a chain.

Click the Link List option to choose a trigger link from the options.

When previewing an email or text message, the trigger link will not redirect to the page.

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